How to Create an Inventory for your Storage Unit

Published on 1/16/2023

Many people hesitate to use self storage in Fort Smith because they fear they will lose track of their items. Luckily, there’s a very easy and efficient solution to this problem. It’s as simple as taking the time to create an inventory for the items you have in storage. This will help to ensure you never misplace anything. Plus, it’s also great to have for insurance purposes! 

Furthermore, here are some tips to help you create an inventory for your storage unit.

Start box by box

If you weren’t organised from the start, don’t stress. It’s easy enough to create an inventory at any time in your self storage journey.

When creating your inventory, start from one corner of your storage unit and work box by box.

Follow these steps:

  1. Empty the contents of the box
  2. Create a list of each item you take out
  3. Place items back in the box
  4. Label both the box and the list e.g. ‘bedroom 1’
  5. Make 2 copies of the list, one to stick on the box and one for future reference.

Once you’ve followed the above steps, continue to do the same with your other boxes. 

In addition, if you have multiple storage boxes for certain things, like rooms in your home, it’s best to group these together in your unit.

Create a master list

You’ll need to update your inventory list every time you take or add an item from your Fort Smith storage unit. Therefore, it’s handy to create a master list on an excel spreadsheet. Your master list should include all box numbers/labels and what items are in those boxes. 

In addition, creating a digital master list will make it much easier to keep track of what’s in your unit. 

Keep your list up to date

Make sure you keep your inventory up to date every time you remove or add something to your storage unit. No matter how big or small the item is, you should always record it in your inventory.

Also be sure to keep your boxes, paper copies and digital copies updated. This helps to keep track of your items as well as makes them easier to find when needed. 

Use shelves and label them

Using shelves in your storage unit is also a great way to keep it clean and organised, as well as make your items easier to find. It’s best to allocate each shelve to a certain topic, so place all bedroom storage boxes on one shelf and kitchen ones on the next. Plus, don’t forget to label your shelves! 

Keep it organised & updated!

You now know how to keep your self storage unit organised. It’s as simple as creating an inventory and adding in some shelving units. If you keep your inventory up to date as you go, you should have no troubles in keeping track of your items. Good luck!

Are you looking for an Fort Smith Storage Provider? At Chaffee West Office and Mini Storage , we offer safe and secure storage units. View our storage units online or call our friendly team on (479) 322-8608